Latin document about the beginnings of Christianity and the first Czech saints. It is one of the most important sources of information about the early Bohemian state.
The oldest versified chronicle written in Czech. Its content is very patriotic.
Prose writer and dramatist who described historical events in minute details and thus brought the described periods closer to the reader. His work is the pinnacle of Czech literature of the national revival, which was subsequently often cited as the desired way of relating to the past.
Collection of hymns in Latin and Czech from the 15th century. The most important source of information on Hussite church service and Hussite songs.
A representative of Czech National Revival, linguist, writer, translator, lexicographer and teacher. He made a significant contribution to spreading the use of Czech language in the society, improved the quality of literary language and vocabulary, including professional terminology.
One of the most famous 20th-century German-speaking writers from Prague. He is regarded as the predecessor to existentialism and literature of the absurd.
A prolific dramatist whose works are a part of the foundations of Czech drama. His plays were inspired by popular literature and German pre-Romantic dramaturgy. He was also an actor, director and organiser of amateur theatre.
A prominent philosopher and writer, one of a few Czech “poète maudit”. He wrote several prose works and dramas that were radical for his time.
Czech poet, translator, fine artist, author of collages and art collector. One of the most important figures of Czech modern art.
Magazine dedicated to comics, with a preference to drawn series rather than individual episodes. It departed from the didactic function of comics in favour of aesthetics and entertainment. It was published from spring 1989 to 1992.
Prose writer and journalist, one of the members of the Devětsil association and an important representative of Poetism. He is sometimes called the poet of prose.
One of the first Czechoslovak comic magazines intended for older children and youth. It was published between 1926 and 1928 on newspaper paper with comics and comic series.
Poet, playwright, translator and fine artist, one of the founding members of the Surrealist Ra Group.
Prose writer, essayist and dramatist. He used to write in Czech, but nowadays he mostly writes in French. He is one of the most successful and translated authors of Czech descent.
Writer, dramatist and priest of Slovak origin. His plays represent one of the most mature expressions of Czech drama in the 16th century.
Prose writer, author of psychological prose, often writing about Jewish themes and with autobiographical motifs of the personal and emotional process of coming to terms with the world. His books are full of metaphors and sophisticated, subtle humour.
Dramatist and prose writer of the so-called Čapek generation. Unlike the other author of the Avant-Garde period, he adhered to realism in his plays and dealt with existentialist and moral questions of human life.
Important work of Czech hagiographic literature. The text is written in Czech and significantly differs from other works of that type and from that time, since it was intended for court audience.
Czech version of the Latin prose legend Vita sancti Procopii maior. The legend contains important historical memories of Church Slavonic culture, connected here with the motif of the defence of the Czech tradition against German influence.
Translator, theoretician of literature and founder of Czechoslovak translatology. However, his concept of the theory of translation was not properly acknowledged in the politically hermetic Czechoslovakia of his time.
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