Language: CZ | Simple Czech | EN | RU

Topic: Design (11 records)

Bohemian glass

A term denoting in particular hand-crafted glassware made from Bohemian crystal, blown and ground by master glassblowers. An export phenomenon with centuries-old tradition.

Brussels style

A new wave of Czechoslovak design and applied arts connected with the success at the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair. The style illustrates the change in lifestyle in the 1950s and 1960s.

Design of metro in Prague

Public transportation facility also intended to serve as a representative art gallery. The visual concept of the central section of line A is world-famous.


A small plastic figure representing people with different professions. It has been one of the most popular Czech toys since its creation in the 1970s.

Jablonec jewellery

Blown and ground glass jewellery manufactured in the Jablonec and Trutnov areas, and in Jizera Mountains. Czech export phenomenon of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Krásná jizba

Czech applied arts association in the area of domestic culture, which sold aesthetically valuable domestic accessories and promoted modern functionalist design.


World famous Czech glass manufacturer specialising in large installations in architecture. It is based in Nový Bor.

Blanka Matragi

Czech fashion designer working in Lebanon and in the Czech Republic. Her important clients are mainly celebrities in the countries of the Persian Gulf.


Glassware manufacturer from Karlovy Vary, producing luxury, perfectly crafted glass sculptures and glass sets. Its world-famous crystal is called the glass of kings.

National Style

Art style drawing from folk ornamental motifs and rural culture, popular especially in the 19th century, which became the basis of Czechoslovak national style and visual identity after the formation of independent Czechoslovakia.

Net bag

Original Czechoslovak shopping bag made from a characteristic woven net, designed in the early 20th century, currently seen as an ecological replacement for plastic bags.

Displaying 1 - 11 records
records out of 11

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