Traditional rhymes used for randomly selecting a player from a group of two or more.
A traditional Czech children’s game with a counting-out rhyme. References to the word pešek appear in everyday communication by adults.
One of the most common Czech counting-out rhymes, which virtually every Czech child knows. References to it may be heard even in casual conversations between adult people.
One of the most common and mysterious of children’s counting-out rhymes, based on a distinctive and regular rhythm.
Children’s physical game with a rhyme, whose text is also used a counting-out rhyme.
A legendary puzzle, the most famous mechanical puzzle in the Czech Republic. It became a unique phenomenon of Czech culture.
Children’s outdoor game for three or more players in which animal movements are imitated.
A widespread children’s game for two or more players, with a traditional dialogue. References to the game appear in everyday conversations of both children and adults.
A traditional game for two to six players of any age. It is one of the most popular among Czech family games.
A very widespread and popular card game from 1965, designed in Czechoslovakia by Zdeněk Princ. A Pexeso set contains cards with pairs of identical images. The player who finds the most pairs wins.
Traditional Czech children’s game accompanied by a song. It is one of the most common games with many regional versions.
Czech outdoor game for any number of children. Quick perception and agility are important for the game.
A group physical game that almost every Czech child knows.
A group game in which children chase each other. It is one of the most common active games and also one of the oldest games in the world.
A group game that virtually every Czech child knows. References to it appear in everyday conversations among adults as well.
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