Prominent organiser of Czech literary and cultural life. The production of the Veleslavín press represents one of the pinnacles of Czech humanistic typography.
Poet, translator, historian, grammarian and theoretician of music. Priest and bishop of the Unity of the Brethren and a prominent representative of Czech humanism.
Poet and prose writer, one of the main representatives of humanist literature in the Jagiellonian era. He was admired by his colleagues both at home and abroad. He was one of the first Czechs to read Latin and Greek classics in the original and he travelled in almost all the lands of classical antiquity.
The most famous historical humanities work, published in 1541. The Chronicle’s popularity was mostly due to its use of Czech language close to common speech.
Religious thinker, writer and translator, one of the most prominent figures of the Czech literature of the era of the Hussite Wars and the main representative of the later form of the Hussite ideology.
Writer, dramatist and priest of Slovak origin. His plays represent one of the most mature expressions of Czech drama in the 16th century.
Poet, pedagogue, author of the first known historical play with a theme from Czech history, music composer and foremost representative of Prague university before the Battle of White Mountain.
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