Language: CZ | Simple Czech | EN | RU

Topic: Screenwriter (4 records)

Arnošt Lustig

Prose writer, screenwriter and journalist. His works focus on depicting the Holocaust through life stories of seemingly insignificant, ordinary people.

Miloš Macourek

Film and television screenwriter, poet and dramatist. He became famous as author of original screenplays for film comedies, television series and animated bedtime stories.

Břetislav Pojar

Director, screenwriter, animator, drawer, puppeteer and one of the most prominent figures of Czech trick film. As an author of many popular children’s films, he became famous abroad as well and won a number of prestigious awards.

Karel Zeman

Czech film director, artist and screenwriter, pioneer of tricks in animated film. One of the most recognised and successful figures in Czech and world film animation.

Displaying 1 - 4 records
records out of 4

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