Ancient dense forest in Šumava, near the Boubín summit. It is an area unspoilt by man and left to develop naturally.
The valley where the plot of the novel The Grandmother (Babička) by Božena Němcová is set.
A popular mountain in the area of the Ještěd-Kozákov Ridge, which is also its summit. It is especially frequently visited in winter season due to good conditions for skiing and other winter sports.
Unusually beautiful landscape in the west of the Czech Republic. Owing to it unique biotope, it is one of the environmentally most valuable parts of the Slavkovský les Protected Landscape Area.
The largest known and accessible cave system in Bohemia, located in the protected area of Bohemian Karst, near the castles Křivoklát and Karlštejn.
Unique geological and botanical strip of Czech-Polish borderland mountains. Its centre is Vrchlabí. It has been listed as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve site since 1992.
National nature monument, unique example of columnar basalt and the oldest protected geological formation on the territory of the Czech Republic.
Official designation of exceptionally important trees, their groups or avenues. They are distinguished by their size, age or associations with historic events and persons.
Picturesque hills in southern Moravia, known for many rock formations, a part of the Protected Landscape Area Pálava. It is characterised by unique nature and cultural monuments.
The largest sandstone arch in Europe and a symbol of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park.
Westernmost peak more than 1,000 metres tall in the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy mountain range. It has been connected with the mysterious Slavonic deity Radegast since ancient times. There is a Radegast sculpture there.
The valley of the Šárka Brook in Prague. It has several parts, the most interesting of which is the part called Divoká Šárka due to its beautiful nature and the possibility of mountain climbing.
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