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Topic: Fiction film (70 records)

Antonín Novotný (actor)

Czech film actor from the 1930s and 1940s, who played roles of lovers, and Czech-German chemist who worked with NASA on the development of the space shuttle.

Oldřich Nový

Prominent Czech theatre and film actor, theatre director, operetta and chanson singer. He is regarded as the pioneer of Czech musical acting and was one of the biggest film stars during the First Republic.

Jaroslav Papoušek

Important Czech director and screenwriter, one of the most important figures of the New Wave, also a painter, sculptor, caricaturist and writer. He worked with Miloš Forman and Ivan Passer.

Ivan Passer

Distinguished Czech director and screenwriter, famous abroad as well. One of the most acknowledged figures of the New Wave of Czechoslovak film.

Marie Poledňáková

One of the most successful and popular Czech film screenwriters and directors, and media entrepreneur. Author of popular family comedies in the 1970s and 80s.

Boleslav Polívka

Theatre and film actor, director, screenwriter, dramatist, mime and clown. He is currently one of the most popular film and television actors in the Czech Republic, known abroad as well.

Alfréd Radok

World-famous Czech theatre and film director. One of the founders of the multimedia theatre Laterna magika.

Karel Roden

Charismatic film, theatre and television actor, also active and well known abroad. One of the most distinctive contemporary Czech actors and one of a few Czech actors that have achieved success in Hollywood.

Marie Rosůlková

Prominent Czech theatre, film and television actress, narrator of fairy tales, voice actress. One of the most distinctive Czech actresses of the 20th century.

The Shop on Main Street

A film that was a watershed in Czechoslovak cinematography and foreshadowed the New Wave. It was the first Czechoslovak film to win an Oscar (1966).

Evald Schorm

15 December 1931, Elbančice – 14 December 1988, Prague

Prominent Czech film, TV and theatre director and scriptwriter of international repute. One of the most significant figures of the New Wave. Because of his innovative approach to film and theatre he was labelled “philosopher of the Czech New Wave”.

After studying directing at the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU) in 1962 Evald Schorm worked at first in the Studio of Documentary Film, where his long collaboration with the cameraman Jan Špáta began. Their best documentaries include the short films Earth to Earth (Země zemi, 1962) and To Live Your Life (Žít svůj život, 1963) about the photographer Josef Sudek, and Reflection (Zrcadlení, 1965). Schorm gradually moved from documentaries and short films towards feature films. He created most of these between 1965 and 1969, but most of his films were censored and were banned until as late as 1990. The psychological films Courage for Every Day (Každý den odvahu, 1964), Return of the Prodigal Son (Návrat ztraceného syna, 1966) and the adaptation of Josef Škvorecký‘s novel The End of a Priest (Farářův konec, 1968) brought him international repute. After the parable The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night (Den sedmý, osmá noc, 1969), inspired by the Soviet invasion in the August of 1968, he was banned from making any films, which made him focus on theatre directing. He worked in Prague’s Theatre on the Balustrade, The Drama Club, Semafor and Studio Ypsilon, but also in opera and in a number of theatres outside Prague. In 1974 he became director in the theatre Laterna magika, in which he masterfully combined theatrical and film devices. From 1982 he also collaborated with the drama ensemble of the National Theatre. One of his best stage productions was the adaptation of The Brothers Karamazov in Theatre on the Balustrade (TV recording was made in 1981).

Evald Schorm’s films are characterised by a unique capturing of individuals’ mental states and of social changes. It is heavily existentialist and clearly influenced by Franz Kafka’s works. As a theatre director, Schorm applied to actors a film approach to body movements and the visual appearance of the stage, educating thus an exceptional generation of actors. The Prague theatre Evald was named after Schorm. In 1992 he was posthumously awarded the Order of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk for his lifetime contribution to film and theatre.

Ladislav Smoljak

Distinguished theatre and film director, screenwriter, dramatist, actor and teacher. One of the co-founders and prominent figures of the Jára Cimrman Theatre.

Josef Somr

Film, theatre and radio actor and dubber. Actor with masterful artistic expression, an acknowledged figure of Czech film and theatre of the second half of the 20th century.

Jiří Sovák

Renowned theatre, film and radio actor known from Czech comedies. Screenwriter, popular entertainer and narrator of unforgettable stories.

Jan Svěrák

Prominent Czech director, producer and screenwriter. One of the most distinguished and successful Czech film directors active after 1989, who is also internationally recognised and has received a number of foreign awards.

Zdeněk Svěrák

Distinguished Czech film screenwriter, dramatist, actor, writer and songwriter. One of the founders and main representatives of the Jára Cimrman Theatre, as well as a foremost Czech cimrmanologist.

Libuše Šafránková

Prominent theatre, film and television actress. One of the most popular representatives of fairy-tale princesses.

Jiřina Švorcová

Film, theatre, television and radio actress, reciter. Known primarily as a typical female protagonist in Normalisation series of Czechoslovak Television.

Three Nuts for Cinderella

A fairy tale film beloved by children and adults, famous abroad as well. One of the most beautiful and successful Czech fairy tale films and an essential part of Czech Christmas television programme.

Ivan Trojan

Prominent theatre, film, television and radio actor, voice actor and screenwriter. One of the most sought-after and highly-acclaimed contemporary Czech actors.

Displaying 41 - 60 records
records out of 70

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