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Jan Saudek

Jan Saudek

The most famous contemporary Czech photographer. Apart from his controversial works, he also drew attention with his personal life.

Detailed information

13 May 1935, Prague

Jan Saudek and his twin brother Karel (distinguished Czech painter and drawer of comics) were born to a Prague bank clerk. As a child, he witnessed the German occupation of Prague. His father survived the Terezín concentration camp. In 1952, Saudek studied photography at the State Graphics School in Prague. At the beginning, he drew and worked and a photographer in printing shops (until as late as 1983). After that, he became a free-lance photographer. His photographic work was significantly influenced by his visit to America in the late 1960s, where he held an exhibition at Indiana University Bloomington. Apart from his distinctive photographic work, but is also known as a lady’s man; he officially has 12 children. He was the first Czech ever to be decorated with the French Order of Arts and Letters. Several documentary and fiction films have been filmed about him. He is regarded as a controversial figure and scandals from his personal life are often dealt with by tabloids. He attempted suicide several times. His work is present in all the prestigious museums and art galleries in the world.

Saudek’s photographs have an unmistakable signature, recognisable at a glance owing to their specific background called “the Wall”, hand colouring and specific, primarily erotic motifs. He mostly does studio photography and often depicts nudity. His most common motifs include female nudes, women in general and relations between men and women. Sára Saudková, his long-time girlfriend and a photographer in her own right, who took his surname although they were never married, had a great influence on his work.

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